General Information

Objective: The objective of this program is to enhance the qualified workforce in the postal services sector and to cultivate individuals specialized in communication and logistics by keeping pace with technological advancements. Through a comprehensive curriculum that covers the operations, technological applications, and innovations in postal services, this program aims to equip students with the skills necessary to meet the demands of the industry.

Admission Requirements: Students who succeed in the University Entrance Examination are eligible to enroll in the Postal Services Program. This two-year program provides both theoretical and practical training to equip students with essential skills in the field.

Graduate Title and Employment Opportunities: Students who successfully complete the program are awarded an "Associate Degree" and hold the title of "Vocational Specialist." Based on their scores in the Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS), graduates may qualify for employment in government institutions such as the national postal service (PTT). Additionally, they have job opportunities within private sector logistics firms. With the theoretical and practical training they receive, graduates can work in various positions within communication and logistics fields. This enables them to meet diverse industry needs and contribute to the development of the postal services sector as a skilled workforce.